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Use These WordPress Plugins to Improve Your Writing Productivity

Wordpress Writing Tools

WordPress is a great choice among non-techy webmasters. We could define WordPress as a website content management system and website creation tool that has been written in PHP. This saves non-tech individuals from having to deal with all the coding languages, technicalities, and so on.

WordPress’ popularity also comes due to the value they provide in the marketplace. Having your website hosted on WordPress gives you a lot of flexibility and great options that will boost your efforts and help you attain your goals. There are many types of WP plugins, for all types of domains of activity: coding, designing, and also writing.

That’s where we’re going to focus our efforts; during this article, we’ll take a look at specific writing tools that any webmaster or business professional can take advantage of so he can improve his writing efforts. But first, let’s look at the most significant benefits of using WordPress writing tools while dealing with your writing activities. 

4 Important Benefits of WordPress Writing Plugins 

As you’ve probably guessed, the benefits come through the use of special tools, which are specifically designed to solve someone’s problems and needs.

1.  No More Technicalities

Many useful WordPress plugins will deal with most of the technical aspects you may not know how to deal with. For example, if you want to change something really quick in your HTML code; if you don’t know the coding language, you’ll have no clue how to make it work.

Many plugins deal with these sorts of issues. They’re basically simplifying everything so you can continue your activity without having to deal with these setbacks.

2.  Automation

Some tools are great for writers because they help at managing the working time, and also manage the tasks. If you’re writing for your WordPress blog, you should start using some automation tools. These services will truly make your life easier and improve your productivity levels.

You just can’t afford to deal with everything; besides your marketing, branding, and maintenance efforts, you also have to deal with the content creation part. You’ll eventually run out of batteries or motivation and fail. Start automating as many tasks as you can!

3.  Special Actions

I call them special actions because most of them are original ideas of smart programmers who knew how to leverage coding to do some very useful actions. For example, e-mail autoresponder services like Aweber or Mailchimp are absolutely necessary for a non-techy who wants to have an e-mail list.

If those programs didn’t exist, e-mail marketing would have been more inefficient than it is now.

4.  Constant Feedback Through Analytics

Every time we want to accomplish something, we establish the direction, plan the necessary action, and review it afterward. The review is very important because it helps you figure out what you’re doing wrong and what needs to be improved.

It’s the same with writing content and managing a blog or a website. You have to stop for a minute and analyze the results. You can keep track of almost all aspects of your website, including page views, spending time, or shares by simply taking advantage of some incredibly useful analytics tools. Read more for example.

Best 5 WordPress Tools for Writers 

1.  Google Analytics by Yoast

So we were talking about feedback and statistics. Yoast has developed an amazing plugin that keeps track of anything you want. You can use Google Analytics by Yoast plugin to determine so many things that are going on with your website and with your target audience. You can figure out whether you have more men or more women as followers, younger or older demographics, and so many more things.

I’d suggest using this tool because, to be a successful writer and/or webmaster, you need to keep optimizing your platform. That means spotting the mistakes and the elements that your viewers don’t enjoy (based on analytics) and replacing them with better things.

2.  Just Writing

Don’t you hate distractions? Well, as writers, we have to be extra careful with our focus and attention. There are so many distractions nowadays; smart digital tools with a lot of dots, software with lots and lots of buttons and features, and so on. Well, Just Writing is a WordPress plugin that makes sure that you stay focused on the writing task.

Its simplicity makes it better than many other alternatives. You are basically writing on a completely blank screen. No keywords count, no proofreading, no nothing. You just freestyle write and never stop until you have finished your tasks. This tool is also free and extremely popular among writers.

3.  FD Word Statistics

FD Word Statistics is designed specifically for non-native writers, and but not only. Non-natives usually mistake certain word usages, they structure their sentences in the wrong ways, and they usually make their texts hard to read. This plugin helps the writer check his “readability score” and improve his content by following the plugin’s suggestions.

This tool can be a lifesaver for someone who can’t afford editing services and wants to deal with this on his own. Editing services (which are different from proofreading ones) are quite expensive nowadays. You’ll have to reconsider your business’ budget before outsourcing something in the longer term. Instead of doing all this hassle, just use FD Word Statistics and let the tool suggest all the readability improvements you must make.

4.  Proofread Bot

The proofreading aspect is quite different from the readability factor. They’re two different things. When you proofread, you’re looking attentively for incorrect words, spelling, and grammar. For this task, you can use Proofread Bot and let the tool suggest what you did wrong.

This is a proofreading software that is extremely complex in many terms. It analyzes your sentences and phrases and underlines what’s wrong. To be a successful writer, your writing needs to be impeccable. Otherwise, your website’s readers are going to see a “lack of professionalism” and stop visiting your platform.

5.  Copyright Proof

Every writer must pay close attention to plagiarism. Plagiarized content is not so tolerated nowadays. After all, it’s stealing someone’s work and copyrights. Google, for example, is strictly punishing duplicated, spun, and plagiarized content. Their crawlers are quickly observing if you have copied someone’s work and registered it as your own.

Avoid dealing with these problems by making sure that your content is completely unique. Copyright Proof is a smart WordPress plugin that collects information from the web and synchronizes it with your piece of content. The moment it notices mistakes, you’ll be notified. You’ll even see the source of the copyright.

Because there is so much content nowadays, even if you’re not stealing anyone’s work, you can write exactly the same sentences as someone else did two years ago. That’s why even if you’re working “clean”, you should really pay attention to copyright issues nowadays.


Nowadays, keeping up with your fierce competition is quite a tough process. You always have to come up with new promotion strategies and new impressive content ideas. Everyone’s trying to occupy a piece of the marketplace, but only a few writers and webmasters are truly dominating their niche.

To improve your blog or website’s efficiency, you must improve your content. Now let’s go a little more backward; to improve your content, your writing must be impeccable. Writing quality content is not impossible, but dealing with everything most of the time is.

Start using as many writing WordPress plugins and notice the difference in your productivity. You’ll see that writing can be easier if you can stop worrying about the annoying and time-consuming aspects of the whole process. Good luck, and don’t forget to take consistent action!

Lisa Wheatly
Lisa Wheatly graduated from the University of Queensland, Australia. She believes analytical thinking & an inquiring mind are her strongest points, & she does her best to put them to good use. Lisa is a consultant to young entrepreneurs, & she believes her knowledge of the human mind allows her to accurately assess the abilities of young businessmen. 

Gangadhar Kulkarni

Gangadhar Kulkarni is an internet marketing expert and consultant having extensive experience in digital marketing. He is also the founder of Seogdk and Director at DigiTechMantra Solutions, a one-stop shop for all that your website needs. It provides you cost-effective and efficient content writing and digital marketing services.

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