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Write for Us - Guest Blogging

Guest Blogging Tips

Hi Folks,

I hope you are all doing well.....!!!

This is a guest blogging opportunity on SEOGDK that many desire for. However, after getting frequent requests for guest blogging on Seogdk by many fans and followers, I have finally opened the doors of SEOGDK for everyone.....!!!

If you are interested then please follow the below guidelines:

The content must be Digital Marketing, Online Money Making Tips, Blogging and Web Technologies related only, that content follows Google Search Console (formerly Google Webmaster Tools) guidelines. The content should be informative and catchy with the inclusion of proper headings and sub-headings that are easy to understand for readers. You can share information about current digital marketing trends, strategies, and tools as well as useful tips and tricks. Significantly your guest posting can entice curiosity; monthly you can send 2 articles.

Title: The title must be catchy and blueprint of the overall content; Make sure the title is within 100 characters.

Description: The article should have an informative summary or description of a length of 200 characters including spaces.  

Content: That article must be easy to understand, with unique content, with H1, H2, bold tags, and relevant images.

Content-Length: There is a minimum 1000-word count and is highly recommended. The ideal articles are between 1000-3000 words.

Links: We accept a maximum of one relevant nofollow link, and recommended anchor text instead of URLs that are used in the author bio.

Images: Images must relate to the content and be copyright-free with an ALT tag.

Note that as per our guest blogging rules those bloggers who don't respond to readers' comments or queries on their published article, their links are automatically removed from the author bio without any intimation.

Guest Blogging Tips and Tricks

-The content is more than 1000 words, use a sub-headline with H2 or H3 tags.

-Important words should use bold or italic formatting, that emphasizes important values.

-Add the author's bio at the end of the article with two or three lines, the hyperlink is accepted in the author field. We don't accept promotional links.

-After publishing your article It is mandatory for all guest bloggers to reply to comments. You will have to reply to all comments (in your post) within 1-2 days. 

-Don’t submit the published content on any other website with any other format. Meanwhile, don’t submit copies or edited content on our blog which will result in a Google penalty.

Note that as per our guest blogging rules if your article is published after we reviewed and edited it then it will not be removed from the website.

Common Causes to Reject the Articles

-The article is written for company promotion or self-promotion.

-The Article should not relate to the scope of Digital Marketing, Make Money Online, Blogging, and Web Technologies.

-The article word count is under 1000 words.

-Personal photograph (Not other images) missing, grammatical, spelling mistakes.

-The content spammed, i.e. keyword stuffing, keyword density is not ideal, copied, or spun content.

-The article includes CBD, Betting, and Casino related content or links.

*Generally published article live on Seogdk for a lifetime but we have rights to remove links or the entire post if it is proving bad for our search engine rankings.

If you are comfortable with the above guest blogging guidelines then please send your content or article to

We manually analyze your submitted content and approve it within 2-7 days. Once your article is published, we will let you know with acknowledgment mail.

Best Regards,
Gangadhar Kulkarni