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Suggestions for Successful PPC Campaigns According to SEO

PPC Advertising

A nice quote by the great thinker,
"The quality of your preparation determines the quality of your performance”. Likewise, if you are doing good work for your site then it results in increasing web traffic and site ranking of your site. PPC campaigns are the most effective techniques in Search Engine Marketing (SEM) to increase web traffic to your website. An effective PPC campaign can help you to reduce the cost per click and increase profit. Additionally, a well-articulated pay-per-click campaign can make a world of difference to the revenue model of your business.

In this article, Seogdk elaborates on the information about PPC campaigns and their implementation. So first you need to make a proper plan by taking all the above aspects into consideration. If you are doing PPC and planning to outsource your PPC campaign service then you should have comprehensive knowledge about it to get success in your business.

1. Use Different Search Engines for PPC Campaigns 

There are various PPC search engines with some being better than others. The popular two are Google and Yahoo, which was previously known as Overture. It's a better way to start your PPC campaigns with a small budget and spread it on a few different search engines for taking a litmus test and then decide where is the best market opportunities for your business.

However, Google Adwords is a better option for more technically orientated products or services, including software, hardware, web design, etc. On the other hand, Yahoo is also better for general consumer products, including insurance, toys, music, etc.

2. You should have Expertise in PPC Management

For starting PPC Campaigns, you should be fully aware and have knowledge of the different factors that go into measuring the efficiency of your organization before outsourcing your PPC campaign management service. Different agencies are offering exclusive services and some of them have prior experience in this field too. So you need to be prepared accordingly.

3. Selecting the Relevant Keywords 

The keyword selection process is probably the most important of all when it comes to creating your PPC ads. You will need to select keywords that are precise to your product or service offering, but you need to be careful not to select keywords that are extremely popular, as this may reduce your PPC funds sooner than expected.

When you start the keyword selection process just ask the question yourself, “Which words or phrases would I search for this product?”

By using your answer to this question as your base, you can then use a word list and common sense to start building your keyword list with plurals, synonyms, similar words, etc.

After that see which keywords your competitors are using and then simply try to search for them. If you see a PPC ad along the side for your competitor then note that keyword down and add it to your list.

4. Punctuality about Time and Resource

All these processes are time-consuming and PPC campaign organizations are very punctual with time and resources. Generally, campaigns can take one to two full days to set up and organize correctly. Apart from this, other tasks such as keyword research and competitive analysis are also included in the PPC campaign management. Since these processes take a great deal of time. You need to dedicate your time and resources to this purpose.

5. Attracting People to Your Ad

Always remember that you can create a more relevant title by combining your different keywords into one PPC ad. For example, I could have easily used something like "SEO tips by Seogdk" as the title of my ad, which effectively would have decreased my click-thru rate, but definitely catered my ad more to a specific audience. Once again, this comes down to analysis and adjustment.

Another important technique to attract attention to your ad is to differentiate yourself from your competitors. In our particular case, the majority of our competition offers hosted solutions, whereby they manage the software on their servers in return for monthly or per-traffic fees.

6. Use Distinct Marketing Techniques

You are going to start your PPC campaign management then you use different advanced marketing techniques. PPC management consists of copywriting, segmentation, visitor analysis, and convergence of online and offline marketing. Apart from these, your PPC campaign managers should know the proper slot for placing your listing and your marketing campaign management team should be able to write good marketing copy. Besides all these, different departments such as marketing and sales departments should keep good cooperation with each other.

7. Reducing Click-Through Rate 

In some cases, it's important to reduce the number of clicks your PPC ad is receiving. This could be because you are attracting people who are only after free products or services, or even the wrong target market.

The two quickest ways to reduce click-through rates are to make the description of your ad more targeted and to add the price of the product to the ad.

Creating the description more targeted as we have discussed above can reduce your overall click-through rate but potentially increase the chances of a click resulting in a purchase.

8.  Give Emphasis to Communication Skills

If you want to outsource PPC advertising and want to sell your product worldwide then you should be able to speak foreign languages. It is very much necessary to deal with foreign clients and maintain a global online presence. There are a few organizations that are able to provide multilingual offerings and can accept multilingual campaigns. However, having the ability to communicate can take you a long way in dealing with your clients.

9. Tracking Your Clicks and Conversions

If your ads are not making money then you have the option to save your advertising money and adjust your ads or use your marketing budget elsewhere. Both Google and Overture have built-in tracking and conversion tools that you can use to get a holistic view of your current PPC ad campaigns. You can even use external tools that let you add conversion code to your website to tell you exactly which of your ads are converting into sales and which aren't. This is often referred to as knowing your Return on Investment (ROI). If your ads are more expensive than what it returns to you then decrease spending on them, change your approach, or remove these ads altogether. It is a rather simple way but many advertisers ignored it.

You must track your ads if you want to succeed in any form of Internet advertising. You should also constantly examine and adjust your ads according to their performance and your return on investment (ROI).

10. Proper Resource Utilization

Resource utilization is another important aspect you need to consider as a PPC Company. For instance, your company managers should watch how their in-house personnel are spending their time. Preferably, they should spend their time coordinating various online and offline activities and setting marketing goals, guidelines, and initiatives that the agencies can implement effectively.


Hopefully, from the above information, you can manage and shape your successful PPC ad campaigns. All these points discussed above are very helpful for those users, who are going for PPC ad campaigning services. In the next article, Seogdk will bring valuable information about SEO and the World Wide Web, till then Connect to me by providing your comments and queries about this blog. Take care and enjoy your life...!!!

Gangadhar Kulkarni

Gangadhar Kulkarni is an internet marketing expert and consultant having extensive experience in digital marketing. He is also the founder of Seogdk and Director at DigiTechMantra Solutions, a one-stop shop for all that your website needs. It provides you cost-effective and efficient content writing and digital marketing services.

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