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Best Tools to Determine Your Website SEO Performance Quickly

Best SEO Tools

With evolving technologies such as artificial intelligence or AI, voice search, or mobile-first indexing, marketers need to focus on their website SEO and efficiency. The challenge lies in knowing much about SEO but not about website performance. It is high time that you take some time off your busy schedule and start monitoring the efficiency of your website. You need to finish more optimization tasks in less possible time. Be it monitoring your site’s rankings in the SERPs or determining how your website is optimized for specific keywords (KWs), a couple of SEO tools will help you achieve your business goals.

SEMrush is one of the best SEO tools that help you monitor paid traffic, mobile or desktop traffic, and social media visitors. Here are some of the best tools to determine your site’s SEO efficiency quickly:


There are a few marketers, who do not pay much heed to their website’s load speed. Based on the findings of Google, the chances of a user abandoning a website increase by at least 90 percent if the load time is delayed by five seconds and the chances of bounce rates by 106 percent after six seconds.

Small businesses would suffer the most with poor page load time and end up losing SERP rankings, poor conversions, low sales, and very high bounce rates. For bigger brands such as Walmart, only quality content will not do them much good. You can use Finteza to understand your website load speed. It analyzes how much time visitors take to see all the web page characteristics, how fast they can download your site content, and what elements slow your web pages. Besides, you can choose SEO services to rank for thousands of KWs.

This tool helps in running search phrases, i.e. KW research on numerous platforms like Amazon, Alibaba, Google, YouTube, as well as Wikipedia. If you want to search for KWs apart from Google, then is your best bet.

When you enter a search phrase and choose your area, this tool generates a list of numerous long-tail keywords based on your search that you can sort and clean. Try to look at precise Wikipedia KWs or you can search via any of the other important platforms too. If you would like to export the list and view relevant KWs as well as monthly search volume, you need to opt for the paid version of this tool.


Simply creating quality content is not sufficient for driving traffic to your website. More essential is figuring out user content and using the same to rank high in the SERPs. Based on the findings of HubSpot, a content length of 2250 to 2500 words generates maximum organic traffic.

Therefore, create long-form articles or blogs to boost SEO and become an authoritative voice. You can use the tool ‘AnswerThePublic’ to get useful information about what users ask on the internet. It is the best tool for marketers and bloggers to create content ideas or topics each month. You need to use the PRO version of this tool.

Final Words

Try using these tools to improve the SEO performance of your website. You will be surprised by the results.

Gangadhar Kulkarni

Gangadhar Kulkarni is an internet marketing expert and consultant having extensive experience in digital marketing. He is also the founder of Seogdk and Director at DigiTechMantra Solutions, a one-stop shop for all that your website needs. It provides you cost-effective and efficient content writing and digital marketing services.

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