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Wikinut- Best Blogging Platform to Enhance Your Content on the Internet

Wikinut Review

Important Note: Wikinut currently closed their content monetization program described in this article.

"Content is King". This phrase is very much familiar to Bloggers and Web marketers. Obviously content is a key element in blogging as well as a source of income for writers or bloggers in the web world. There are several online money blogging platforms available for bloggers on the internet. For instance, SponseredReviews, iWriter, and many more.....

Recently I have interacted with an online content distribution platform "Wikinut". This not only provides an opportunity to share your content but also earn enough money from it. So in this article Seogdk reviewed Wikinut and extract valuable information to make money from it with the inclusion of benefits and limitations.

What is Wikinut?

Wikinut is an online blogging community that allows users to contribute and moderate their own content. It is free to join and open to all, including hassle-free approval process.

Basically, you register on the Wikinut, submit an article as an author or you can choose to become a moderator. If you decide to register as an author, wait for your article to be approved and to be published. You are now ready to start earning money from their revenue sharing program. You can also make money through referrals and royalty programs.

How to Make Money from Wikinut?

Wikinut's revenue comes from Google AdSense and Infolinks ad platforms. When you contribute an article on the Wikinut, the Google Adsense and Infolinks ads are displayed along with your articles. If a reader viewed and clicks on the ad are taken to the advertiser’s website and Wikinut gets paid based on the agreed cost per click (CPC) and cost per impression (CPM).

Any revenue generated by the ads displayed along your contents is tracked by the Wikinut system. You will then earn 50% of this revenue. The pay rate is not revealed but from my computations, considering the statistics for my first post it pays approx £0.001 per 15 views.

Use a few popular options proposed by Wikinut to earn more:

-Writing Pages

You earn more by writing frequently on Wikinut. The more pages you contribute, increase the chance of earning and visibility. Your page royalty rate is 50%

-Invite Friends

Invite your friends! For every friend, you referred to Wikinut earn fix amount of share. Your referrals royalty rate is 5% typically equivalent to 10% of the author's share.

-Review Pages

Each article passes through reviews and once its approved, it is published live. You can review pages submitted by other members to earn extra bucks. Your moderation royalty rate is 5% usually equivalent to 10% of the author's share.

In addition, you will continue receiving these royalties as long as the article remains published on the site.

Why Wikinut?

Basically, Wikinut has a very high Google search ranking so your articles will appear high in the search ranking. If you have a good article that you would like to publish, you can put forward it right now and start making money via Wikinut. However, if you are able to write high-quality content that can attract many readers, you are more likely to make some good money on the website.

Wikinut pays your payments via Paypal on a monthly basis or Net-30 system. Mostly you receive your payments on or before the 10th of the month. Payments will be made to any Wikinut user whose balance at the end of the last but one month was £5.00 or greater.

For instance, A user joins Wikinut in June and writes a few pages. Later he/she makes £7.5 of royalties by the end of June.

Next, he/she will not receive a July payment as their balance at the end of May (the July cutoff point) was 0. Further, he/she make another £10 of royalties throughout July.

He/she will receive an August payment of £7.5 (their balance at the August cutoff point). The remaining £10 balance is then carried over into the September payment period.

Benefits of Wikinut

Wikinut provides extensive benefits to share content on it as well as earn money from it. So first we discuss benefits:

- If you one that can make enough web traffic to your articles, then definitely this is one site you would like to experiment, for increasing your residual income.

-Hassle-free content sharing and approval process which builds engagement with bloggers.

-It builds the online reputation of bloggers as well as increases readers' list.

-It is an ideal alternative to make money by sharing your quality content.

Limitations of Wikinut

We very well knew that every coin has two sides, likewise, Wikinut also has some limitations as below:

- The minimum payout is £5 and it seems to be low to achieve by writing for Wikinut, but it may not be an easy job unless you are able to successfully drive web traffic to your articles.

- Once you join Wikinut, there is no option for deleting your account or any of your articles. Therefore you losing control over your own work, once it has been published.


From the above information, Wikinut is a website that I would not recommend to those looking to make huge money from writing online, but if you are looking to reach a bigger readership it may well be for you. So friends send your valuable feedback to this review post via comments and emails. Till then take care and enjoy your life.....!!!

Gangadhar Kulkarni

Gangadhar Kulkarni is an internet marketing expert and consultant having extensive experience in digital marketing. He is also the founder of Seogdk and Director at DigiTechMantra Solutions, a one-stop shop for all that your website needs. It provides you cost-effective and efficient content writing and digital marketing services.

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