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5 Tools Everyone in the Industry Should Be Using SEO

SEO Tools

Everyone in the industry knows that SEO, popularly known as search engine optimization, is the current trend right now. More companies are venturing into it because it is a well-calculated risk.

Every business in any industry badly wants to improve its rankings, especially when it comes to searches that are being done by users with the help of the leading search engines worldwide. In a competitive market both online and offline, many desire to increase their sales with the help of SEO.

It is about getting the right flow of traffic among visitors that will direct any company in the right direction. Here are some SEO tools that are worth exploring and implementing to give any website the traffic and sales that they need. The best thing about these tools is that they won’t cost you anything.

1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics must be a top priority for any company. What does it do? This tool provides useful data and statistics that help keep track of your website’s visitors, total page views, time spent on your website, and many more. It gives you a comprehensive view of why sales trends have been going up or down. By studying this, you have an idea of what kind of techniques you may want to use in order to bring those sales up.

2. Google Trends

Another free tool that companies may want to use is Google Trends. By reading the name of the tool, you must already have an idea of what it’s about. In accordance with popular searches, it displays how frequently a term or a phrase has been looked up through the use of a search engine. In other words, you can find out what are the current trends that people are most interested in, also known as buzzwords. By using this to your advantage, you can produce content that involves commonly using keywords so that its relevance and rankings can be boosted.

3. PageSpeed Insights

Did you know that the loading speed of your website can affect its ranking? This means that the faster your website is able to load, the better its ranking will be. People get impatient if a site loads slowly and are more likely to leave that particular site. If you are not quite sure of the speed of your website, the best tool to use in this case is PageSpeed Insights. It will also give suggestions on how to make your site run faster.

4. Moz SEO Toolbar

Moz SEO toolbar is one of the best SEO tools around, especially when it comes to viewing daily statistics, creating customized searches, information regarding backlinks, and many more. In other words, it gives you the basics regarding the information that you need.

5. W3C Markup Validator

Last but not least on the list is W3C Markup Validator. This tool allows you to check the validity of your entire website. An important factor in this process is the overall quality. This is to ensure that the website of your company is legitimate which makes a good impression for incoming visitors. If these visitors were able to find quality and relevant information by staying a long time on your site, chances are it will increase its ranking.


The SEO tools that were mentioned above should help your company’s website be exposed to organic traffic as well as an increase in sales. However, this will not happen overnight and one must be patient because it will take a certain amount of time for these things to happen. Making good use of these tools should steer you in the right direction by meeting all your goals.

Eve Haugen
Eve Haugen has been a freelance writer for a long while. Her passion for writing is her main drive in crafting articles that are engaging, informative, and meaningful. Her partnership with QuickSEOResult has given her a whole new opportunity to take writing to a whole new level.

Gangadhar Kulkarni

Gangadhar Kulkarni is an internet marketing expert and consultant having extensive experience in digital marketing. He is also the founder of Seogdk and Director at DigiTechMantra Solutions, a one-stop shop for all that your website needs. It provides you cost-effective and efficient content writing and digital marketing services.

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