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7 Tips for Starting a New Business

Startup Business Strategies

Starting your own business can be rewarding, but it requires a lot of hard work and dedication. Becoming your own boss is a dream many people share. What some people may not realize is how much work and long hours are involved when starting a company.

There are multiple ways businesses can avoid mistakes, start off prepared, and work toward growing a successful business. Here’s a list of seven tips to consider when starting a new business.

1.  Decide if you are doing this for the Right Reasons

If you want to start a new business, you need to be passionate about the products you’re selling or the services you’re offering. There will be a lot of bumps in the roads. You’ll have to put up a lot of your own money and spend a lot of time working and hustling before you reap any rewards.

If you’re not passionate about the business you’re starting, you won’t have the drive to get through the hardships you may face.

2.  Draft a Business Plan

Making a business plan, instead of just winging it, can help you in many ways. It helps you know and understand every aspect of your business, from exactly what you’re offering to the type of clients you expect. You can also use your business plan as a tool to show to potential investors to get them interested in putting their money towards your new business.

There are a lot of ways to create a business plan, but there’s a basic formula you should follow. With your business plan, you should outline the exact markets you expect your business to be popular. For example, what types of people do you expect to become clients? You need to address where you expect these people to live, where they work, and why they would need your product or your services.

A business plan is also a great way for you to decide what your business needs to succeed and the budget you have to work with. How much money does it cost to produce your product and how much profit are you making per unit?

Having a plan outlined before you start your business will make you prepared and ready to move forward.

3. Find Investors to Make Partners

Realistically, you aren’t going to be able to put up all of the money for your new business by yourself. You’re going to need help in the form of investors. Investors are people that invest in your company by giving you money for a pre-determined share of the business.

An investor can be anyone that has money, regardless of what their career is or what they have experience in. You would be surprised at a number of films that have dentists as investors. The important thing is that your investors are passionate about the business and the goals that you have.

4. Get Insurance for your Business

Something a lot of first-time business owners overlook is getting insurance for their company. There are many different types of insurance, depending on the type of business you have.

If you work from home, you need to make sure that your homeowner’s insurance covers you if your business assets are stolen or damaged. If you have employees, you need to look into having insurance in case one of your employees gets injured on the job.

Although there are many different types of insurance, they all have one goal in mind - to protect you from liability. 

5. Use Social Media

Nowadays, people use social media for everything. People use it to post photos of their food, write about their life, and scroll mindlessly when they’re bored. If you are using social media for your business, many potential customers will be able to see you.

Keep in mind to only post things that are perfect. A nice photo of your products with a catchy, error-free paragraph under it is a great way to grab someone’s attention. Posting a blurry photo with a rushed caption will grab someone’s attention but in the wrong way.

6. Be Gracious Towards Competitors

No matter what you’re offering to the public, you will have competitors. Sometimes companies like to go head-to-head, which can be bad for everyone.

When it comes to your competitors, keep it classy. Don’t use them to compare yourself to, don’t mention their name, and don’t bad-mouth them to clients. Even if they try to use you as a selling point for their business, take the high road. Being classy and kind when others do not make you look better to customers.

7. Remember That the Customer is Always Right

When you have all of your ducks in a row and start to find clients, you need to really impress them. Your first round of customers can help to make or break you. A lot of startups are affected by word-of-mouth, so you need to ensure that customers talk about you in a positive light.

Get your products produced and shipped in a short amount of time. If the customer has a problem, quickly work to fix it.

When you first start out, you can’t afford to get a bad review. This may entail you bending over backward to ensure a client’s satisfaction, but it will be well worth it when that client sends all of their friends to you.

Start your Business

To be successful, you need to be prepared for whatever life may throw at you. Starting a new business is hard work, but it can be made easier if you follow the seven tips outlined above. If you do, your pot of gold may be closer than you think.

Carolyn Clarke
Carolyn Clarke is a serial entrepreneur turned business consultant who’s spent the past decade helping new businesses move from startups to full-fledged operations, working closely with companies like BrandBucket.

Gangadhar Kulkarni

Gangadhar Kulkarni is an internet marketing expert and consultant having extensive experience in digital marketing. He is also the founder of Seogdk and Director at DigiTechMantra Solutions, a one-stop shop for all that your website needs. It provides you cost-effective and efficient content writing and digital marketing services.

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