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How to Make Your Website User and Search Engine Friendly?

Search Engine Optimization Tips

In order for your website to have higher rankings, you must be aware that search engines utilize several ranking factors. In this case, you must have solid tactics and strategies as well as implementations to cope with the changes from search engines. You may have to assign an SEO professional in terms of taking care of your site. Keep in mind if search engines like Google are unable to understand your web page, then it may not rank you at all.

One of the things that you have to consider in making your website search engine friendly is making its link structure crawlable. Web crawling is a common practice by search engines. Web crawling begins with seeds, which are a list of URLs they will visit. The crawlers will identify all hyperlinks on the web page and proceed to add them to the crawl frontier list. This list is visited recursively in accordance with the set policies. If the crawler is archived websites, it works to copy and save information. In a practical sense, you want your site to be crawled as soon as possible.

Hence, it is important that you ensure that you insert your new web page into the navigation menu, place links in the other related content and update your XML sitemap and HTML sitemap. This is the part where you make your website search engine friendly. Nevertheless, this is just one side of the coin. You have to make it also friendly to the users, the individuals who will read and access your website/page, and will help also in your search engine rankings.

Guidelines to Make Your Website User and Search Engine Friendly

You built a website with the purpose of sharing information with the users over the internet and it is only logical that your website should be user-friendly. Take a look at some of the ways you can make your website very friendly for your users.

·         Search engine optimization/SEO will be with the right research about keywords. You should take your time in figuring out the most suitable words used by your users and potential ones who will visit your website. Part of creating high-quality and original content is the smart utilization of keywords – you don’t stuff your content with keywords and you spread them evenly.

·         Enhance the heading of your web page and then properly structure the web pages. In this case, it is advisable to utilize a structure comprising of the following tags: <h1>, <h2>, and <h3>. Avoid using the h1 tag. Of course, you have to ensure that the headings are done naturally and have imperative and relevant keywords.

·         Utilize the anchor texts properly. Anchor texts serve as your link texts and utilize the keywords in them. Instead of using the phrase “click here”, use phrases that are relevant to your topic and with the keywords in them.

·         Learn from your competitors. You will definitely have competition in your chosen niche. The best thing to do in this case is to learn from them by knowing what’s working for them. This can help you in improving your keyword use.

·         Blogging. One way of making your website user-friendly is to write articles and blogs. In other words, you interact with your users.

·         Make sure that your navigations are easy. Here, you have to build clear text links.

·       Do not stop after the creation of your website. Check your progress and improve more. Utilize Google Analytics or other web analytics to track your progress.

Finally, attract more users by providing unique and relevant content on a regular basis.

Sunny Popali
Sunny Popali is an everyday learner and editor working at TheGoodMonster. He is passionate about helping online businesses to achieve their goals with cost-effective SEO & Digital Marketing services.

Gangadhar Kulkarni

Gangadhar Kulkarni is an internet marketing expert and consultant having extensive experience in digital marketing. He is also the founder of Seogdk and Director at DigiTechMantra Solutions, a one-stop shop for all that your website needs. It provides you cost-effective and efficient content writing and digital marketing services.

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