Website maintenance or monitoring is a very crucial part of the web development process. In other words, it is an essential and mandatory phase that decides your website's performance as well as improvement in Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). Actually, the SEO process is nothing but the development of the website, not technically but virtually it being a part of website development.
Nowadays maintaining a website against Google updates or algorithms is a very critical task for a webmaster because these updates not only affect a website's search performance but impact on business also. So ultimately the ball comes in the webmaster's court to solve these problems and always he/she should be prompt and up to date with new technologies to overcome these issues.
Recently one of my blog's readers Jay Sarjine from India emailed me a query about his website's search results. I put his email screenshot as:
This is only a primary example of this issue because many of us encountered this problem but don't know the solution or how to overcome it? So by taking into consideration, this issue Seogdk explores the guidelines to remove the deleted page of your website from Google's cache or search results.
For instance, your website name is abc.com and you had a page named abc.com/pqr.html which you have deleted from your website but it's still present on Google's server. Now you want to remove the same from Google’s Server as well. So the ultimate solution for this issue is the use of Google Search Console or Google Webmaster tools.
Guidelines to remove deleted pages from search results by using Google Search Console
-On the Search Console home page, click the website you want.
-On the Dashboard, click Indexing on the left-hand menu.
-In the drop-down menu, click the Removals option.
-Then you will see the Temporary Removals option.
-Then click the New Request option and a new window opens as below:
-Type the URL of the page you want to be removed from search results (not the Google search results URL or cached page URL), and then click Next.
-The URL is case-sensitive—use exactly the same characters and capitalization that the website uses.
-Click Yes, remove this page.
-Click Submit Request.
By following the above guidelines you can easily remove deleted pages of your website from Google search results but it's very important and always keep in mind; to ensure your content is permanently removed or not, you need to do one of the following within 90 days of requesting removal. Otherwise, your content may later reappear in search results.
-If the web page no longer exists, make sure that the server returns a 404 (Not Found) or 410 (Gone) HTTP status code. Non-HTML files (like PDFs) should be completely removed from your server.
-If the web page still exists, use robots.txt to prevent Google from crawling it. Even if a URL is disallowed by robots.txt Google may still index the web page if they find its URL on another website. However, Google won't index the web page if it's blocked in robots.txt and there is an active URL removal request for the web page.
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