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Steps to Recover SEO Traffic and Ranking after Website Redesign

SEO Traffic

If you are experiencing a reduction in traffic, then the individual has to solve protocol and domain-related problems.  When creating or updating a new website then the individual has to improve the SEO and pay close attention to the SEO traffic. It is a complicated technique that requires a clear understanding of SEO and website design.  Like, if you want to update your website, then the individual has to plan for the migration carefully. If you have done everything in a perfect manner, then an individual will able to retain and improve the traffic of a website with ease.

Most small-scale business owners are facing problems related to the loss of organic traffic. It means the sale of the business is getting slow down. Therefore, it is recommended that you have to diagnose the issue and recover Traffic when a redesign of the website goes wrong. With the help of the following tips, an individual will able to recover ranking and SEO traffic of the official website with ease.

·        Collect Information

In order to recover the traffic and ranking then the individual has to analyze the following things carefully such as-

ü  Google Analytics
ü  Launching date of the website
ü  URL of the website
ü  History of the keywords

·        Confirm Everything

Now, an individual has to check the Google Analytics and search console carefully. You should review the traffic drop carefully. According to professionals, you will face ranking and traffic drop problems suddenly.  If you haven't updated the design of the website in a perfect manner, then 90% of the traffic will reduce on the official website. It is one of the most complicated problems because it will reduce the visibility of the pages. If you are experiencing an organic drop, then it is recommended that you should make use of top-notch quality techniques. If you are making the use of Google search console, then you will easily analyze the problem on the official website.

·        Grab Details about Losses

Before intimating something individual has to understand losses. Therefore, you should grab complete information related to the keyword and ranking of the pages. An individual has to check the following things such as-

ü Ranking

If you have knowledge about ranking data, then you can easily improve the ranking of the official website. Thousands of important SEO tools are available that will provide you complete information related to ranking and other things.  Alternatively, the owner of the site has information related to the keywords.

·        The Traffic of the Page

If you want to analyze the traffic, then the individual has to tap on Google Analytics then behavior, and after that, you can easily analyze the landing pages of an official website. If possible, then you should compare the traffic to the prior, and after that check the changes carefully. It can be tricky because redesigning will reduce the rate of traffic on an official website.  Therefore, all you need to look out for technical issues on the official website and then receive a lot of traffic. If you are using a large website, then you should compare the spreadsheet with the old one.  After that, you will easily grab the information about physical changes on the official website.

·        Suspects on the Website

All you need to solve common problems on the official website. Therefore, individuals need to solve the following problems such as-

ü 303 or Redirect

Nowadays, the redirect has become one of the most popular and complicated problems. While updating the website design, an individual has to pay attention to the following vital things-

§  Don’t change the URL of the website because it will reduce the ranking and traffic
§  Make sure that you are configuring the redirect feature properly

If you want to test the website or traffic, then you should make use of way back machine carefully. If you aren't finding any kind of redirect, then the individual has to solve a problem on the website.  Therefore, it is recommended that you should make the use of screaming frog and then solve all the problems. Moreover, you have to remove temporary redirects from the website. After fixing this issue then you will be able to attract a lot of traffic on the official website.

·        Check Missing Pages

If the content is not available on the website, then you can't improve the rank. In order to improve the traffic of a website then the individual has to place correct redirects on the official website. All you need to invest manual efforts on the website.  If 404 Redirect and a generic page are available on the official website, then you can easily improve the ranking of the official website. Make sure that you are creating genuine pages on the website.

·        Changes in the Content

If you are making changes in the content, then it will also create an impact on the website. If a genuine page is available on the website, but genuine content is missing, then the individual has performed a particular qualitative review. All you need to place old things in the place. If you don't have any knowledge about the qualitative review, then it is recommended that you should make contact with an expert and solve the problems related to the official website.

·        Complicated Issues Related to the Domain

While updating the website, if you have changed your domain then you will experience changes in ranking. Therefore, you have to fix the URL and bugs on the official website. In order to run an official website in an effective manner then the individual has to pay attention to the important things such as subdomain, protocol, and domain. After that, you should fix some important pages properly on the official website.

Moving further, if you want to create the visibility of an official website, then the individual has solved issues related to the Crawl, Canonical, and other things. An individual has to audit the official website regularly. One has to create a spreadsheet where you should manage everything related to the official website.

Gangadhar Kulkarni

Gangadhar Kulkarni is an internet marketing expert and consultant having extensive experience in digital marketing. He is also the founder of Seogdk and Director at DigiTechMantra Solutions, a one-stop shop for all that your website needs. It provides you cost-effective and efficient content writing and digital marketing services.

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