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Powerful Key Blogging Tips Every Blogger Should Know

Blogging Tips

Blogging is a great way to communicate and bring life to information that you want to tell your audience or readership about. In today’s world, there are many bloggers who are trying to make their mark in society, but unfortunately, are just falling short. If you’re one of these bloggers and you want to become a successful blogger, this expert guide will give you the powerful key blogging tips that every blogger should know to be successful in life. Let’s get started.

What You Should Be Doing When Blogging?

    1.  Give Detailed Information

Let’s face it, everyone can write a blog piece, but not everyone can write it in a way that is detailed and informative for the reader. When writing a blog, it’s important that you write your information in as much detail as possible. If you research and look up popular blogs in your industry niche you’ll find that they do more than just tell you about a subject, they show you. They give you detailed information that you can take away and use. When writing detailed information here are a few tips you can consider:

·         Go into detail on a subject. For example; if you’re trying to write about the health benefits of pineapple, don’t just say pineapple is also good for bowel movements. Instead, say something like; pineapple is good for digestion due to the enzyme bromelain which helps to break down proteins a lot easier for better absorption of nutrients.

·         Research the subject well to make sure you have supporting facts depending on your topic so you’re more credible when writing it.

·         Where possible add links back to facts and studies to show you’ve done the research above.

By giving your readers more detail than just generic content you’ll be able to improve your chances of getting published on popular blogs.

    2.  Ensure Content Is High Quality

Everyone can write, but not everyone can write good quality content. When writing your content, you need to make it of high value and quality. In order to generate high-quality content, you should consider the following tips:

·        Check your content to make sure there are no spelling mistakes. Content that is filled with spelling or grammar mistakes makes the piece you’re writing appear unprofessional. Always check your content several times to make sure it’s easy to read.

·         Use a balance of white space and text. What this means is to balance your text by using subheadings, bullet points, and even paragraphing. If you don’t, large blocks of text will cause eye fatigue and can cause the reader to lose their spot while reading. It also doesn’t give them any breathing room to take a break when needed.

·         Use supporting images that are free to use and that are of high quality. If the image isn’t relevant to the content don’t use it. You can use sites such as,, or iStock to name a few to source your images. However please note some of these do charge for royalty-free images.

·         Use intriguing titles and headings to catch your reader’s attention. Use powerful words to help generate urgency. For example; ‘Blogging Tips For New Bloggers’ isn’t as intriguing as ‘Powerful Key Blogging Tips That Every Blogger Should Know'.

·         Make sure the content is plagiarism-free. Duplicate content can hurt website rankings and won’t get you published. Use and DMCA protection to help check for duplicate content.

·         Write content that’s informative (as suggested in the first point) and give readers something they can use immediately.

Quality content isn’t about just writing any old thing. It takes time to generate content that is up to the standards that are required for website publishing. Take your time and research your niche well to give more to your readers.

    3.  Check The Writer's Guidelines

When writing for a website, it’s important to abide by its guidelines. If they want 1000 words, you need to make sure you write 1000 words. If they want a specific topic, make sure you keep to that genre. Writing as per a website’s guidelines will help you to improve your odds of getting published. Not following the rules will turn your writing into a waste of time. Always abide by the guidelines for better results.

Guest Blogging Tips

4.  Don’t Settle For Low-Grade Sites

To be taken seriously as a blogger you need to strive on publishing on quality websites that are not only popular but that aren’t filled with spam content. Sites such as this will hurt your reputation. So how do you find out whether a site is a low grade or not you ask?

You can do this by running the site through a DA checker and checking the spam score of a website, DA stands for Domain Authority. The higher the domain number, the higher the authority the website has. The higher the authority, the more website visitors visit the site and the higher it will become on Google and other search engines. Domain authority can be checked by using DA checkers such as the Moz DA checker.

This type of checker helps you to see the Domain Authority of a website and also shows you whether it is full of spam content. If the spam score is above 3 it’s better to shy away from sites such as this. If it’s 3 or below it’s good to try and gain publishing rights. See the screenshots below for good and bad DA/Spam Scores.


Blogging is a great way to spread your message and sometimes make money from the side. If you’re a keen blogger but you’re just struggling to get published, why not try these tips on how you can help to improve your odds. So are you ready to start blogging?

Aaron Gray
Aaron is the co-founder of Studio 56 and is a passionate digital marketing expert who has worked with some of the largest digital marketing agencies in Australia. He has been working in the digital marketing field for ten years. Aaron loves to travel the world to not only enhance his cultural experiences but learn and enhance his skills in the digital marketing industry. 

Gangadhar Kulkarni

Gangadhar Kulkarni is an internet marketing expert and consultant having extensive experience in digital marketing. He is also the founder of Seogdk and Director at DigiTechMantra Solutions, a one-stop shop for all that your website needs. It provides you cost-effective and efficient content writing and digital marketing services.

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