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The Increasing Emphasis on the Importance of Quality Content

Quality Content Strategies

The algorithms of search engines, such as Google, keep changing with the passage of time. There was a time when sites with an ample number of backlinks could rank higher in Google. But the case is no more the same. Now the emphasis is on the quality of the content. The contents need to be relevant, informative, and unique. But the question that often arises is –what are the criteria that define the ‘quality’ of the content? Well, nowhere have search engines made it explicit, and neither have they given any definition of ‘quality’. 

Google or other search engine insiders may know how the search algorithms function. But they would never let anybody know, and the only way to know about how the search algorithms function is to study and observe the behavior of the search engines.

No Place for Poor or Bad Content

For a long time, SEO tricks and techniques tried to manipulate search engine algorithms. The creation of backlinks, stuffing of keywords, and many more techniques could somehow push the page ranks of the websites to higher places. Whether the keywords led to the right answer to the queries or not, was not important. Something that really mattered was that the SEO professionals steered the traffic towards particular websites despite the poor web content. 

However, the current scenario is quite a bit different. Search engines have been emphasizing the quality of the content for a long, but not all website users paid enough heed to it as the SEO tricks enabled them to get good web traffic despite poor content. However, search engines have been stricter now, and there would be no place for bad or poor content. And, it is for this reason that the ‘quality’ of content is receiving much emphasis these days.

Google’s Emphasis on Quality Content

With the rollout of Hummingbird, Panda, Penguin, etc; the marketers have certainly got the idea that the content is vitally significant. Moreover, Google’s Quality Guidelines explicitly spell out the importance of high-quality content or data. It clearly says that the pages must be made for the users and not for the search engines. The users must not be deceived and there must be no tricks applied to enhance the page ranks in the search engines. 

Also, the website should be unique, valuable, and engaging. Whether Google really cares for the users or not, it knows that the supremacy of its existence is very much dependent upon the users, and it would lose its significance if it fails to provide the real answer to the queries of the users. So, Google’s effort certainly is more for its own sake than the users, but the users are certainly not left without benefits.

Understanding How Google Scales Quality Contents

The webmaster guidelines offered by Matt Cutts and other webspam teams are very much helpful in understanding how Google scales the quality of the content. Online marketers or professionals have no alternative except to work as per the guidelines. The contents failing to conform to the quality guidelines are sure to fall off the track. Google scales the quality of the content quite differently from the way humans look at it. 

For instance: high-quality and engaging content would compel visitors to spend more time. 

This engagement of the readers or visitors sends clues to Google about the quality of the content, and it would surely render a high web rank. Keeping Google page ranking aside; the obvious benefits you receive from such content include the reduction in bounce rate, the creation of a real user base, building the site authority, and higher conversion rates, etc. The high-quality content thus escalates the page rank of your website, and simultaneously, you also receive the apparent benefits. As a business owner, you may not be able to master the art of high-quality content; however, the experts are not far away.

Satyajit Seal
Satyajit Seal is a web enthusiast who loves to explore various niches in his content, which he composes for different blogs. In his writeups, he touches upon different topics, such as health, entertainment, lifestyle, fashion, and so on. He tries to include something unique in each piece of content, which the readers find interesting. He is a lover of modern arts, painting, and wildlife by nature. Follow him
on Twitter

Gangadhar Kulkarni

Gangadhar Kulkarni is an internet marketing expert and consultant having extensive experience in digital marketing. He is also the founder of Seogdk and Director at DigiTechMantra Solutions, a one-stop shop for all that your website needs. It provides you cost-effective and efficient content writing and digital marketing services.

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