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Increase Your Keyword Success and Maximize the Return on Your Keyword Investment

Keyword Research Success
Most website owners or Pay Per Click (PPC) investors think that selecting the right keywords and using them in PPC campaigns or in keyword advertisements would be an easy and enough task to achieve maximum Return On Investment (ROI) success. But this is a totally wrong concept or approach. So in this article, Seogdk explores the notion of how to use your keywords effectively to draw traffic to your website.

Keyword advertising is not a simple process. It’s also not a process that you can do once and forget about. For increasing your keyword success you should be working with your keywords all the time. Return On Investment (ROI) is a term that you will hear frequently associated with Keyword advertising and other types of advertising. To maximize your ROI concentrate on PPC advertisement success by considering the following important key points:

1. Writing keyword advertisement text
2. Creation of great landing pages
3. Realizing and using A/B testing
4. Avoiding keyword stuffing

   1. Writing Keyword Advertisement Text

When you start to write your keyword ad text you should have to finalize the list of selected keywords. It is the best way to create a keyword research worksheet including a list of keywords in different groups according to the topic. For example, if your keywords include computer, webmaster, software, website maintenance, hardware and networking, and antivirus, then your groups look something like shown in the following table:

Hardware and networking
Website maintenance

It’s important that you keep your keywords grouped together, especially because they associate with the different pages of your site. It’s these keywords that you will be working with as you create your keyword advertisement text. According to research done by major search engine experts, using keywords in your advertisement text can increase your advertisement Click Through Rate (CTR) by as much as 50%. Keywords are significant to your ad text and the right keywords for the ad are extremely essential.

Following are a few ad text requirements that will use in PPC programs:

- The Inclusion of Keywords in Ad Text

As we have already seen that those ads containing keywords can perform up to 50% better than ads that do not include them. So the inclusion of keywords in ad text is a very crucial factor to increase ROI.

- Create Your Offers

Tell your visitors what you have and why they want it. Just be cautious not to overstate claims about the benefits of your products and services. Keep your claims precise and convincing.

- Encourage Visitors to Action

After research has proven that using a call to action to users or visitors does work. So the inclusion of a call to action in your ad text to encourage the visitors to click on your ad.

- Inclusion of Keywords

In your ad text use relevant keywords in both title and in the body of the ad text but keep in mind not excessive keyword stuffing. If your ads and keywords are relevant and convincing then you get far more exposure for a smaller cost per click.

- Write Your Ad Long and Cut It

Start by writing your ad in full sentences, using each of the preceding elements, and then cut those sentences down to only the strongest words that will attract visitors to click on them.

- Use Strong and Powerful Words

You have a very limited amount of space to write your ad, so you use strong and powerful words to up your ad. For example, instead of using the word “skilled people” use the word “professional” As well as instead of “benefits” use “bonus”.

2. Creation of Great Landing Pages

Landing pages are those pages that website visitors reach when they click on your PPC or advertisement. If the goal of SEO is to draw more relevant traffic that converts more often than organic traffic, landing pages are your way of monitoring whether or not that’s happening.

A landing page also gives you the opportunity to connect with a new visitor who has clicked your link for one specific purpose. There is some debate as to the value of landing pages that don’t link to any other source on the website. Some specialist thinks that once you have pulled visitors to the landing page then the more you engage them and the more likely they are to return to your website and ultimately reach a goal conversion. That may be true.

Valuable Tips to Design Landing Pages

1. Create individual landing pages for each PPC ad which can increase your chance of a conversion.

2. When users click through an ad to your landing page, they must think that page is helpful for them or will help them reach whatever goal they have in mind.

3. Avoid excessive information, graphics, and too many multimedia elements which can make it difficult to load your landing page. Don’t overcrowd your landing pages, Keep pages clean and include plenty of white space.

4. Make a user-friendly landing page that visitors need to complete a conversion. It means that users should be able to sign up for the newsletter, buy a product or fill out the form on the landing page easily.

5. For landing pages, you may have to test different versions before you find one that works for the ad you are currently running. When you change the ad the landing page also needs to be changed.

3. Recognizing and Using A/B Testing

The most common and simple-to-use form of testing is A/B testing. A/B testing in its easiest form is to test one ad version against another. In PPC advertisement, testing two or more ads at the same time first you should follow the questions as guidelines:

1. Understand what you hope to achieve with the testing?
2. Are you trying to increase traffic?
3. Are you trying to increase conversions?
4. Do you want to increase or change some other element of your PPC performance?

Ask yourself these questions and then use that as a guideline for making a change to the test. Once you apply your baseline you can start comparing that ad against new ads that you have created to test different elements of the PPC ad. The elements you can test include: 

- Headline or title
- Keywords
- Call to action
- Advertisement text
- Different landing pages

4. Avoiding Keyword Stuffing

When you increase the value and return of the keywords that you have chosen then you should be aware of one hazard which is keyword stuffing.

Keyword stuffing is the practice of overloading your web pages with keywords. Most search engines allow 3% to 5% keyword density on your web page. The keyword density elaborated the frequency with which chosen keywords or phrases appear on a web page compared to the other text on the page.

For example, if the keyword or phrase “SEO information” is used on the web page 3 times and the web page has a total of 100 words then the keyword density of the phrase “SEO information” is 3%. To avoid keyword stuffing and keep keyword density not more than 5%.


Keywords are still one of the less expensive methods of advertising your website. If you give some time and effort to the right combination of keywords then you will get positive results in your PPC advertisement. The above information is definitely helpful when you start PPC ads and keyword placement. In the next article, Seogdk will bring precious information about SEO, SEM, and Web technologies till then share your thoughts about this article via comments and emails. Take care and enjoy your life...!!!

Gangadhar Kulkarni

Gangadhar Kulkarni is an internet marketing expert and consultant having extensive experience in digital marketing. He is also the founder of Seogdk and Director at DigiTechMantra Solutions, a one-stop shop for all that your website needs. It provides you cost-effective and efficient content writing and digital marketing services.

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